Es ist viel passiert und es wird höchste Zeit, euch das alles zu erzählen 😊
Unsere wunderbare Verena hat einen neue Job als Leiterin des KBB im Tiroler Landestheater. Deshalb fehlt ihr leider, verständlicherweise, die Zeit, sich weiter so intensiv um unser Kindertheater zu kümmern. Deshalb hat sie sich schweren Herzens dazu entschieden, ihre Vorstandstätigkeit bei enemenemuh niederzulegen.
Liebe Verena, wir werden dich und deine Herzlichkeit, Hilfsbereitschaft und Engagement und so vieles mehr sehr vermissen. Wir freuen uns aber auch sehr, dass du im Landestheater etwas gefunden hast, das dich so glücklich macht! Wir wünschen dir alles Gute und freuen uns, dass du uns auch weiterhin beratend zur Seite stehen wirst!
DANKE für alles ♥️❤️🔥
deine enemenemuhs 😚
Sabrina teases Patschert ... that is Patrick. She really does not know why. Because it's fun, she says. Patrick knows what it feels like, when you are embarrased. And to be honest, Sabrina knows that, too.
She decides to make friends with Patrick. And to get used to the feeling of being clumsy like her friend Patschert.
Children aged 6 and over
22.03. 15:00 - BRUX
6., 13., 14., 20., 27., 28. April 2024 - BRUX
approx. 35min
German, Turkish, Croatian, English
Anne Clausen, Salha Fraidl, Juliana Haider, Katarina Hauser, Verena Schopper, and Wiltrud Stieger
Ticket reservation at BRUX
In summer 2018 we had the idea to stage multilingual children’s plays. We were so enthusiastic and motivated that we founded the organization enemenemuh and only half a year later we produced our first play "Little I-am-me" in four languages (Turkish, German, Croatian and English). We were very pleased about the great success of this production and encouraged to continue with our idea. Our second play "The Story of the Little Mole Who Went in Search of Whodunit" was "only" an online-production due to the Corona-pandemia. But also these online-performances were always completely sold out! With our third production "Toni, the Green Piggy" we staged our first world première. The children loved this funny story and as we also enjoyed the process of producing a play that was written especially for us, we sticked to this concept. Last year we managed to win Lisa Hörtnagl for our project. She wrote the enchanting story of "Irma and Opa Ferdl’s Journeys". And this year we could engage Anne Clausen, another great author. The touching story "My Friend Patschert" is about being or not being friends. Many actors fond of children’s plays supported our productions and won the hearts of many children. Another particular feature of our performances is the music which is composed especially for each play and encourages the children to join in the singing. Well-known musicians like Frajo and Jakob Köhle, Lisa Hörtnagl und Ralf Metzler have written songs for us. This year Juliana Haider has joined our team with her music which is popular with many children. In March 2024 "Our Friend Patschert" premiered and will be on tour in the Tyrol until the end of this year.
Yours enemenemuh-team